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Christian D. Larson was an outstanding and highly influential early New Thought leader and teacher as well as a prolific writer of New Thought books who believed that people have tremendous latent powers, which could be harnessed for success with the proper attitude.
Christian Daa Larson, of Norwegian extraction, was born in Iowa in 1874. He attended Iowa State College and a theological school (Unitarian) in Meadville, Pa. In his early twenties he became interested in the Mental Science teachings of Helen Wilmans, Henry Wood, Charles Brodie Patterson, etc. Little is known about his personal life and what originally led him to take up his intensive study of Mental Science, but its logical teachings clearly suited youngLarson 's analytical mind and provided a point to him where theology and science could meet and combine to provide a practical and systematic philosophy of life. Check out 12 more such images after the jump.

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