Freelance Jobs

LifeLine V.2 Concept Phone By Devin Coakley

LifeLine V.2, Future Phone, Devin Coakley
Designer Devin Coakley has developed a unique concept phone dubbed the LifeLine V.2. The unique concept gizmo is an upgraded version of a phone and aims to eliminate the time wasted by people in retrieving their phones. It also helps prevent theft of phones. A mini device, it fits snugly into your palm. The concept phone features an infrared keyboard that allows you to type by simply tapping your own hand. This mini phone will surely make for a unique communication gadget.

LifeLine V.2, Futuristic Phone, Devin Coakley
As long as you don’t end up misplacing the LifeLine V.2, it promises to be the next best compact phone.
LifeLine V.2, Compact mobile Phone, Devin Coakley
Designer: Devin Coakley

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