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Emotive EPOC Wireless Neuroheadset (video)

Emotive EPOC, Wireless Neuroheadset
Imagine a device that can tag photos by reading your mind! Awesome; isn’t it? This Emotive EPOC brain-reading headset created by Emotive Systems does exactly that. It reads our brain and tag photos based on the intensity of the emotions we create in response to viewing a photo. Emotive EPOC neuro headset runs on an application called EmoLens. At the core of Emotive EPOC is 14-electrode EPOC headset. Cool Iris Wall web component, which is created by Cool Iris, is used in EmoLens to display Flickr photos in stunning way.

Emotive EPOC, Mind Gadget
How it works?
EmoLens works on the basis of our moods. For example, if we are scared by looking at a picture, it adds “scared” tag. The EmoLens can detect four emotions- Happy, Sad, Angry and Scared. If you are looking at an image, which makes you happy, the Emotive EPOC headset adds the “Happy” tags and then pauses the image in Flickr for a while so that you can enjoy the feeling to the maximum. In this way, it controls the slideshow in Flickr. EmoLens can also be used to search a photo based on the emotions you have tagged on it. To do this, you just remember the feeling and EmoLens selects a set of previously tagged photos matching that feeling.
Emotive EPOC, Wireless Neuroheadset
Pricing and availability:
This device is a bit costlier. The EmoLens app alone costs $40 and the Emotive EPOC neuroheadset costs $300. The Emotive EPOC was launched in the market in November 2010. Whoever likes to watch Flickr images with a true “feeling” will find the Emotive EPOC useful.
Emotive EPOC, Mind Gadgets
Emotive EPOC, Brain Gizmo

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