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Most New Looks Pop-up Modular Toaster By Hadar Gorelik Toaster Extra Attachments

Modular Toaster, Future Kitchen Gadget, Hadar Gorelik
Crunchy bites clubbed with fresh veggies is a great way to start a day. But, a pop-up toaster just has two slots that make it impossible to eat together if the family has more than two members. Fret no more and swap morning meals into family time with the Modular Toaster.This flexible toaster will be an instant hit in the world of modular kitchens as it comes with extra attachments, which will let each family member own a pop up slot.

Modular Toaster, Future Kitchen device, Hadar Gorelik
This is just so cool. Fix the additional slots as per the head count and don’t ogle at others eating. You don’t need to go to the toaster after every few minutes to fetch fresh toasts. At first, the equipment will look unfinished but when all the pieces are fixed together it will take a complete form. Expand the toaster as your family grows.
Modular Toaster, Future Kitchen, Hadar Gorelik
All the pieces of this interesting concept can be used individually. So, if you plan to go out, pick your attachment and never miss your much loved breakfast choice. Modular Toaster is an awesome creation and will make sure you never eat a cold toast.
Designer: Hadar Gorelik

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