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Amazing History 1

1994 World Wide Web (WWW)

The World Wide Web grew from the work of British physicist Tim beaners-Lee at the European center for nuclear research in Switzerland.

1985 Window operating system
In 1985, Microsoft hit back with Windows, but PC users wanted to keep their old program, Window operated through MS-DOS making it slow, An improved version appeared in 1987. finally, window 3, launch in 1990, helped the PC dominate the computer it had once limited.

1983 Internet
JCR Licklider, head of information processing at the US Advance Research project Agency (ARPA) started his intergalactic Computer Network-officially known as Arpanet-in 1983.

1971 Microprocessor

The Microprocessor which made personal computer possible was launched by intel.

1951 Ram Is Born

1951: Jay Forrester files a patent application for the matrix core memory.
Back when computers still weighed hundreds of pounds and were primarily used by the military, computer memory relied on cathode rays to retrieve information. But the Navy needed a faster computer that could run flight simulations in real time.
In stepped a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Led by professor Jay Forrester, the researchers developed a three-dimensional magnetic structure code-named Project Whirlwind.
The structure consisted of a plane made of wires and magnetic rings called cores. Each ring contained one bit of data. Every bit on the memory plane could be accessed with a single read-and-write cycle.
In short, magnetic core memory was the first random access memory that was practical, reliable and relatively high-speed. The time it took to request and retrieve information from memory was a microsecond — hundreds of thousands of times slower than memory today, but nonetheless a magnificent achievement in the 1950s
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