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The Mullin Automotive Museum, Part 1: The Carlo Bugatti Furnishings Collection

Peter Mullin is a financial services entrepreneur and philanthropist. Last year he quietly opened the Mullin Automotive Museum in his native California, putting on display his collection of over 100 automobiles, mostly French in origin, from the Machine Age and Art Deco era.
Despite the "Automotive" in the title, the museum is not all about cars. Mullin also examines that era's design influence on furniture, as seen in the museum's Carlo Bugatti collection of furnishings and decorative art:
The "streamlined" styling of the French automobile was mirrored in the architecture and the arts of the "art deco" movement, a term loosely coined from an historic 1925 Paris exhibition called "Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes." The exposition generated a new decorative style: streamlined, symmetrical and striking. The museum houses examples of furniture, decorative art and photography from this influential movement.
Those lucky enough to live near Oxnard, California, where the museum is located, will have to pick and choose their days: The Mullin Automotive Museum is currently open just two days out of the month, typically on the second and fourth Saturday.

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